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Top 5 mysterious hidden treasure islands

Top 5 mysterious hidden treasure islands

According to legends, pirates hid treasures on a small, uninhabited islands, and it is believed that on some of these islands there are still precious treasure chests.


Pirates are known as wicked sailors who were collecting various valuables during their sea adventures, and many believe that the islands which were once “ruled” by the pirates are still keeping hidden treasures. A special calendar called “Vladi Private Islands” revealed the last places on earth for which is believed to be hiding the real small fortune. Some stories are probably just in the domain of old legends, while the other applie to the old rule – where there’s smoke, there’s fire. We are introducing you to the island where, according to estimates of historians and archaeologists, the caskets full of treasures could be found.

Lord Howe, Australia

Island located in the Tasmanian Sea has only 300 residents and it is a common “target “for tourists who come here under their romantic honeymoon tours. Legend has it that in the 1830th the whaler ship stranded here, which was believe to carry the burden of tens of kilograms of gold coins whose value is now estimated at 6,000 pounds. The crew had reportedly saved and managed to hide treasure somewhere in the interior of the island.




Norman Island, British Virgin Islands

A small island in the Caribbean Sea, with an area of only 600 acres, has inspired Robert Stevenson to write the famous pirate novel “Treasure island”. The legend says that back in the 1750th a Spanish galley here sought shelter from severe storms. Since the storm lasted, crew of the ship deposited its cargo of 55 suitcases full of silver in a hidden place. Because of their pirate maneuvers, the captain and crew were quickly arrested, but the treasure was never found. The island is now privately owned by a certain Dr. Henry Jarecky. Though uninhabited, is a popular destination for cruisers. Tourists come here to see three strange cave at the bottom of the cliff. It is believed that in one of them today is still hidden a lost chest full of silver.




Ailsa Craig, Scotland

At 320 meters above sea level and 14 kilometers from the Scottish west coast the island of Ailsa Craig is located. Rumours of treasure which has been preserved here are centuries old, but because of the accessible terrain, curious treasure hunters never managed to explore it to the end. In the 16th century the island was owned by monks of the abbey Krosraguel and local Catholics were at that time were often exposed to raids of pirates and smugglers. Ailsa Craig is now known as a nature reserve which provides shelter for thousands of rare birds.




Fregate Island, Seychelles

This is one of 115 islands which Seychelle pirates used as a hideout for years. The famous La Buz, who was sentenced to death by hanging in 1730, allegedly hid his treasure right there. The road to the exact location was engraved on the coded map that was never found. Ian Fleming (creator of the James Bond character) was also convinced in this statement because he once stayed here as part of research for his stories. Area of the island is only 0.85 square kilometers, and it has been known as a luxury resort.




Oak Island, Canada

Name of this island is found in many legends. It is believed that there are hidden a lot of goodies: the gold of Captain Kid, Marie Antoinette’s jewels and the Holy Grail of the Templars. While many pirates were trying to find something from this, even after 200 years of searching, none of the above has been found. The most serious archeological ventures recorded the very existence of 31 meters deep pit with the remains of the platform of oak wood. However, the pit is described as a natural phenomenon seen in some other islands.




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