The artists are there to connect everything that is already mixed in our imagination. Men are particularly attracted to strong, dangerous and wild women. Because of that, we shouldn’t be wondering why there are so many photoshop experts playing with this topic.
A study released out of the University of Helsinki has found that beautiful women are being naturally selected for breeding more often than their less hot counterparts. The study says that physical attractiveness is a “highly heritable trait, which disproportionately increases the reproductive success of daughters much more than that of sons.” Thus, women are more able to engage in breeding activities if they are hot. So, in fact, the scientists seem to suggest that genuinely pretty women, are leading our next generation into higher levels of attractiveness. But wait, isn’t it the men who should get credit for the conclusion of this study? Men are the ones who are judiciously deciding to breed with the hot ones and wear a connie with the ones that are broke down. Men, as is so often the case, are leading women to where they otherwise might not go: hotness. You’re welcome, ladies.